Right to Information

The O/o CGPDTM is committed to providing information to citizens in a timely and transparent manner under the RTI Act,2005.

Physical Applications for information under the RTI Act, 2005 from O/o CGPDTM may be addressed to the concerned Central Public Information Officer (CPIO), clearly specifying the information required. The fee of Rs.10/- (Rupees Ten only) in respect of such application is to be made by way of Indian Postal Order/Bank Draft/Banker’s Cheque payable to “Controller of Patents”. An Online RTI Application may be filed by accessing the link

A. Information to the Citizens u/s 4(1) (b) (i-xvi) of RTI Act, 2005

Sr.No. Description of Documents Download
Organizational Structure of Office of CGPDTM
Act of 2000 (418 KB)
Rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and record
(i) Acts & Rules Page Link
(ii) Manual / Guidelines Page Link
(iii) Annual Reports Page Link
(iv) Journals Page Link
(v) RTI Act & Rules as amended Page Link
(vi) DOPT guidelines on RTI Page Link
(vii) RTI Logo Guideline Act of 2000 (12.8 MB)
(viii) Latest News Page Link
(ix) Documents held in Offices, retention policy, facilities to the public Act of 2000 (2.2 MB)
Commission/committee reports
(i) Justice N R Ayyangar's committee report_1959 Act of 2000 (2.7 MB)
(ii) National Knowledge Commission Report including recommendations in IPR _(2006-2009) Act of 2000 (5.5 MB)
(iii) Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee Report _2008 Act of 2000 (852 KB)
(iv) Justice Allah Raham Committee Report_2008 Act of 2000 (2.2 MB)
(v) National IPR Policy-2016, English and Hindi_2016 Act of 2000 (17.1 MB)
(vi) Details of Compliant Committee on Sexual Harassment at workplace in the offices of O/o CGPDTM Act of 2000 (84.3 KB)
Directory of officers and employees and their monthly remuneration
(i) Details of officers, employees contact and remuneration Patent Office Act of 2000 (2.1 MB)
(ii) Details of Officers, employees, contact and remuneration Trade Marks Office Act of 2000 (552.3 KB)
(iii) Details of Officers, GI Registry Act of 2000 (400 KB)
(iv) Details of Officers, Copyright Office Act of 2000 (411 KB)
(v) Revised Transfer Policy of Group. A Officers of O/o CGPDTM Patent Office Act of 2000 (2.7 MB)
(vi) Transfer Policy of Group. A Officers of O/o CGPDTM Patent Office Act of 2000 (1001 KB)
(vii) Transfer Policy for Group 'A' & 'B' officers of Trade Mark Registry & Geographical Indications Act of 2000 (1316 KB)
(viii) Promotion Orders Patent Office Since 2010 Act of 2000 (16.7 MB)
(ix) Promotions Orders Trademark Registry since 2011 Act of 2000 (7.4 MB)
(x) Transfer, Deputation Orders Patent Office Since 2015 Act of 2000 (14.2 MB)
(xi) Transfer, Deputation Orders TradeMarks Registry since 2016 Act of 2000 (8.2 MB)
(xii) Posting details of Examiners & Contract Examiners in Trademarks Registry Act of 2000 (442 KB)
(xiii) Details of posts in Patent Office as on 12.08.2022 Act of 2000 (138 KB)
(xiv) Details of Posts in Trade Marks Registry as on 12.08.2022 Act of 2000 (31 KB)
(xv) Details of Posts in RGNIIPM, Nagpur Act of 2000 (41 KB)
Details of budget
(i) Delegation of Financial Power to CGPDTM Act of 2000 (515 KB)
(ii) Budget Allocation Act of 2000 (179 KB)
(iii) Budget Estimates and Revised Estimates_(2021-22) Act of 2000 (1.03 MB)
(iv) Information related to procurements Act of 2000 (209 KB)
Names, designations and other particulars of the public information Officers
(i) Details of Present CPIO, CAPIO, FAA Page Link
(ii) Details of Old CPIO, CAPIO, FAA Act of 2000 (469 KB)
Act of 2000 (2.6 MB)
(iii) Details of Contact Persons for Assistance Act of 2000 (29.5 KB)

B. Other Information u/s 4(1) (b) (xvii)

Sr.No. Description of Documents Download
1 Office Order/Circulars Page Link
2 Office Order regarding Sensitive Posts Act of 2000 (1.9 MB)
3 Appointment as part-time CVO in the Office of CGPDTM Act of 2000 (39.5 KB)
4 IPR Grievance Redressal Cell (IPRGRC) Act of 2000 (49.2 KB)
5 RTI Audit Report Uploading 2023-2024 Act of 2000 (81.2 KB)
6 List of Schemes/ Projects/Programmes Underway Act of 2000 (39.5 KB)
7 Training Programmes to advance understanding of RTI Act of 2000 (214 KB)
8 Performance of Intellectual Property Office 2020-21 Act of 2000 (48.5 KB)
9 Details of Foreign Travel Page Link
10 Audit Report (2018 onwards) for Office of CGPDTM for RTI Third Party
Audit of suomoto discolsure under section 4(b) of RTI Act 2005
Act of 2000 (858 KB)
11 Report on Pendency in Intellectual Property Offices as on 31-07-2022 Act of 2000 (93.6 KB)
12 RTI Quarterly Returns Reports Act of 2000 (1.15 MB)
13 Details of Disciplinary action against employees Act of 2000 (43.9 KB)
14 Report on Orientation programmes, Workshops, Seminars etc. organized by
offices under O/o CGPDTM
Act of 2000 (81.3 KB)
Important links
RTI https://rti.gov.in/
Online RTI https://rtionline.gov.in/
CPIO & FAA login https://rtionline.gov.in/RTIMIS/login/index.php
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