The Trade Marks Registry (TMR) will receive and process applications for the registration of trade marks under the Trade Marks Act, 1999 in an efficient and user friendly manner. The single most important mission is to reach out, listen and solve public grievance across the table and as quickly as possible.
The office will aim to provide qualitative services relating to search, examination, e-publication and post-registration activities
The office will adopt a fair, impartial, responsive, prompt and same day disposal of cases approach (wherever possible) in the handling of complaint received by it.
The office will install and implement a transparent and user-friendly automation systems that will respond positively to the needs of users.
The Trade Marks Registry will provide professional guidance to applicants/users shorn of all legal jargons.
The office will adhere to a time bound processes in the handling of cases. It will channelize its internal synergy to deliver results with promptitude.
Feed back on the working of the office will be welcomed where it is made in a constructive manner and efforts made to incorporate suggestions in improving the functioning of the office:
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Page last updated on: 15/3/2019
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