The Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management has been established at Nagpur as a National center of excellence for training, management, research, education in the field of Intellectual Property (IP) Rights. The main objectives of this institute is to cater to the need of training of Examiners of Patents, Designs, Trademarks and Geographical Indications, IP professionals, IP managers, imparting basic education to user communities, government functionaries and stake holders involved in creation, commercialization and management of intellectual property rights, facilitate research on IP related issues including preparation of study reports and policy analysis of relevance to Government. Apart from this, Rajiv Gandhi NIIPM address the needs of increasing the general awareness and understanding of Government officers and users of IP systems including in universities and other educational institutions. It will also conduct research in IP and prepare study reports and policy analysis papers on subject of current relevance for policy and lawmakers. The details of activities to be performed by Rajiv Gandhi NIIPM are given below.
Training: The felt need is to establish a superior institute for catering to the training needs of the technical personnel on IP in view of the growing complexity in the applications being received and to meet global standards in quality in examination. The newly recruited Examiners of IP needs to be given exhaustive induction training in all aspects of patent examination for a reasonable duration. Similarly, senior examiners other higher officials also need to be provided training to keep abreast with latest techniques, information as well global development in IP. Further, NIIPM will also impart training to scientists, R&D Organizations, Government Institutions, IP professionals such as lawyers, attorneys, and agents and IP managers, i.e., personnel within the industry who have responsibility for management of the IP within their organization including other stake holders involved in creation, commercialization and management of intellectual property rights
Research: IPR research is an emerging area and the research activities and results are having wider scope in terms of their impact on the people in the country. Intellectual Property Rights have gained a lot of recognition in the past few years in India mainly due to globalized economy, economic activity in India being on a healthy growth path and the efforts made by the Government to create enabling milieu by way of modernizing the IPR infrastructure as well as implementing various programmes for creation of awareness among the professionals as well as general public. Most research that is going on as of now are based on individual initiatives or sponsored research by corporation, which arguably have a very limited scope. The academic or research activities also require quality human resources to man the research positions as well as financial and technical resources in order to conduct any meaningful in depth, multidisciplinary and/or mature research in the field of Intellectual Property. This gap has been recognized by the government and therefore, it is proposed to include research activities as part of the activities of Rajiv Gandhi NIIPM in the field of IP on a number of socio-economic parameters, strata of the society, technological fields, R & D trends, etc
Education: The institutes providing IP education are very limited in the country. Therefore, Rajiv Gandhi NIIPM aims to introduce IP education in its curriculum as one of the activities. Accordingly, it has been proposed that the Institute will start three months diploma course, six months and one year Post Graduate Diploma course in Intellectual Property Law. It is also proposed to involve certain Universities or tie-up with them so as to develop the course content and also to make effective use of their resources particularly, Human Resources. The Institute also aims at making tailored made IP programmes for specific kind of users in order to suit their requirements. In addition to this, the Rajiv Gandhi NIIPM is also to organize IP Awareness/campaign in the country in collaboration with IP Offices, Government Organizations and R & D Institutions.
Policy Advice :The policy advice which is a result of IP research as well as deliberations or discussions by experts in IP law and multidisciplinary experts is important not only for the government but also to the industry, especially SMEs, Universities, etc. in the country. Further, researched factual information is also expected to instill confidence among various groups of population in order to understand the background, necessity, national and international ramifications, short term and long term effects of any existing or proposed legislation, rules or practices.
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade 3, Hislop College Road, Civil Lines, Nagpur – 440001 Phone: 0712-2540913,922/2542961,979 Fax: 0712 – 2540916
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